

Seaside_008: Kleingeld (live)


For this live presentation, Rotterdam-based dj Kleingeld invites us in her maze of open tabs for an audiovisual browser-set. This 8th installment of Seaside, a series of audiocollages initiated by OUTLINE, is an exploration of the chaotic and slippery nature of time performed in real-time; moving from obscure Youtube videos to Skype poetry readings to experimental sonics. The program is co-hosted by Dwars30a in a cozy studio space in the center of Amsterdam.

movements of movements
movements of moments of memories
kiss the heavy headed goodnight

oh little robber
you stole greedy seconds
slept in my lap – cried a lonesome seed in my chest

drowsy clocks
woke after they were wound

well chop-chop, puff-puff
there you go
into the godforsaken hole

00:00 /  00:00