
An overview of the output and activities of OUTLINE as a collective, as well as invited contributions.


what you are hearing is the yesterday cage.

Qihang Li

now, people are walking into the john cage*, one after another. they will put on the headphones; what they’re going to hear is the recording from the exact same moment yesterday.

*john cage is a semi-outdoor balcony outside the kitchen at the WT building in arnhem.
the balcony is tiny – it has only 2 chairs. the space is so small that when people sit, their legs need to be on the fence.
the fence making it a cage.
people use it for smoking, or as a fridge in winter, to cool beers.
sometimes, to watch people and cars passing by.

This audiowork was part of OUTLINE streams: in dubio hosted by PHANTOM RADIO SATURDAY MATINEE 3PM ALL AGES at Werkplaats Typografie (Arnhem, NL).

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